Advance Justice for Women
Women survivor leaders of grassroots organization have a vital role in driving social change and addressing gender-based violence, inequality, and discrimination.


Justice and the advancement of justice for women is a complex subject with many facets. Therefore, we are supporting them in their efforts to combat under-representation in official leadership and decision-making positions, which limits their influence on the policies and programs that affect their communities.
for Women
In addition, women leaders still face resistance from traditional and patriarchal structures that exclude women from decision-making processes and a satisfying access to justice.


National Transitional Justice Policy
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Social Justice
Our aim is to ensure that those responsible for crimes that have a particular impact on women – such as SGBC – are held fully accountable.

Economic Justice
This refers to pending reparations, access to land, access to funding or simply having the same economic opportunities as men.

Climate Justice
We plan to address the issue of equality in the face of climate change, given that women are among the groups most vulnerable to this crisis.